
The best way to teach people is by telling a story. -Kenneth Blanchard.

Several fine arts options for your student to choose from!

Parkview’s performing arts continues to grow year over year. For theater, student opportunities range from costume design, make up and hair design, prop building, set design and construction, sound and light programming, and stage roles.

Parents are essential to the success of this program. They help with hanging lights in the theater, hanging posters, labeling and making costumes, making programs, passing out business cards, selling tickets, and supervising students while not on stage. Every student is important and every parent is important. Parents make the show go on!

There are no small parts, only small actors. -Konstantin Stanislavski.

If you’re familiar with the musical Les Miserables, you might recall a pivotable moment in the story when the lead character Jean Valjean lifts a carriage off a trapped man. The unnamed trapped man is just as important in that scene as Valjean is and without him, the scene loses all of the intensity and the story is lost. Never underestimate the value or importance your role has based on the order of the cast list!